Some common candida risk factors include having diabetes, undergoing conventional cancer treatments, birth control use, and treating asthma with corticosteroid inhalants.
According to the National Candida Center, there are about a dozen recognized causes of intestinal dysbiosis (or dysfunction of the microbiome) and candida overgrowth, including:
-Poor diet
-Prescription drugs, especially antibiotics
-Alcohol consumption
-Hormone imbalance
-Tap water
-Digestive problems
-Environmental molds and chemicals
-Toxic metals and food chemicals
-Immune deficiency (like having AIDS or cancer)
Candida is, unfortunately, a very common problem for many people, and when the cause isn’t properly addressed, discomfort and severe health outcomes can result. Even though this a common condition, it is often ignored, undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed.
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