Combat candida with healthy foods!
Now that you have an understanding of the process of the candida diet, here is a list of foods you should eat during the diet.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The acid and enzymes in apple cider vinegar help to kill and remove excess yeast in the body.
Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi contain microflora that helps protect the intestines. Regular consumption can help improve the immune system, making the body less hospitable for candida.
Green Veggies
Leafy green vegetables help alkalize the body, which fights against the acidic nature of yeast overgrowth.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties to kill off harmful candida.
Raw garlic benefits the fight against candida specifically.
Ground Flaxseeds & Chia Seeds
Polyphenols found in flaxseeds and chia seeds support the growth of probiotics in the gut and may also help eliminate yeast and candida in the body.
Cultured Dairy
Cultured dairy such as kefir provides healthy probiotics to kill the candida in your system and increase your healthy flora.
Try incorporating these foods into your diet regularly.
Amy Kihlstrom, FNTP
