Eat Your Way To Healthy

The candida diet is designed to not only discourage candida growth but also to help you rid your body of excess candida. Once you complete a candida cleanse, you want to remove problem foods from your diet. The goal is to eliminate foods which feed the candida and encourage it to flourish in your body.
The top offenders include sugar, white flour, yeast, and alcohol. A low-sugar diet is a crucial part of your candida remedy to discourage colonization of candida yeast cells into a more fungal form. This also means avoiding fruit.
You want your diet to be centered on vegetables, high-quality protein foods, and gluten-free grains like brown rice and millet. Avoid high-carbohydrate sweet and starchy varieties such as potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, beets, peas, and parsnips.
Boost your immune system with a daily intake of apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables, green veggies and green drinks, coconut oil, Manuka honey, garlic, ground chia and flaxseeds, unsweetened cranberry juice, cultured dairy, as well as spices like turmeric and cinnamon.
The length of the diet depends on:
- How strictly you follow the diet
- The intake and effectiveness of probiotics and antifungals
- The severity of your candida
The diet can be continued from a few weeks to several months.